Instructional Videos

There are instructional videos of molecular dynamics simulations which released by LAMMPS tube for the first time!

Video 1

LAMMPS Installation in Windows 10

One can follow the steps below to install LAMMPS software in windows 10:
Step 1: Locate and download LAMMPS software from
Step 2: Locate and double-click the lammps.exe file. (It will usually be in your Downloads folder.)
Step 3: An installation menu will appear. Bottom “install” key to install the LAMMPS software.
Step 4: The software will be installed. One can now open the application from the Start menu.

Video 3

VMD Installation on Windows 10

One can follow the steps below to install VMD software on windows 10:
Step 1: Locate and download VMD software from
Step 2: Locate and double-click the vmd.msi file. (It will usually be in your Downloads folder.)
Step 3: An installation menu will appear. Bottom “Next”, “install”, and “Finish” key to install the VMD software.
Step 4: The software will be installed. One can now open the application from the Start menu.

Video 5

Minimization of Energy with Avogadro Software

The “Auto Optimize” tool continuously optimizes molecular geometry through molecular mechanics. This tool provides an interactive interface, allowing you to manipulate a molecule while it’s molecular geometry is being optimized.

Video 7

OVITO Installation on Windows 10

One can follow the steps below to install OVITO software on windows 10:
Step 1: Locate and download OVITO software from
Step 2: Locate and double-click the ovito.exe file. (It will usually be in your Downloads folder.)
Step 3: An installation menu will appear. Bottom “Next” and “Finish” key to install the OVITO software.
Step 4: The software will be installed. One can now open the application from the Start menu.

Video 9

Visualization of Atomic Structures with OVITO Software

Molecular dynamics (MD) is a standard simulation technique for predicting materials structures and behavior at the atomic scale. This type of simulation model computes three-dimensional particle trajectories, which typically need to be further analyzed in order to obtain scientific insights from the data. Powerful analysis and visualization techniques play a key role in this process as the simulated systems become bigger and more complex. Without the right software tool, key information would remain undiscovered, inaccessible and unused. OVITO is a visualization and analysis software for output data generated in molecular dynamics, atomistic Monte-Carlo and other particle-based simulations.

Video 11

Slice Modifier in OVITO Software

This modifier either deletes or selects all elements on one side of an infinite cutting plane. Alternatively, the modifier can cut out a slab of a given thickness from the structure.

Video 13

Running LAMMPS on Windows (Serial)

One can follow the steps below to run a serial executable on windows OS:
1. Go to the directory where you have your LAMMPS input script.
2. At the directory address, type “cmd”.
3. At the command prompt, type “lmp_serial -in in.file”, where in.file is the name of your LAMMPS input script.

Video 15

Atom Type Selection with OVITO Software

“Select Type” modifier selects particles, bonds and other data elements on the basis of a type property. Common examples for type properties are the Particle Type and the Structure Type property of particles or the Bond Type property of bonds. This modifier allows you to select elements of a certain type (or types), i.e., elements whose type property matches one of the given values.

atomic modeling

Video 2

Arguslab Installation on Windows 10

One can follow the steps below to install Arguslab software on windows 10:
Step 1: Locate and download Arguslab software from
Step 2: Locate and double-click the setup.exe file. (It will usually be in your Downloads folder.)
Step 3: An installation menu will appear. Bottom “Next” and “Finish” key to install the Arguslab software.
Step 4: The software will be installed. One can now open the application from the Start menu.

Video 4

Monitor Dipole Moments of Molecules via the VMD Software

The DipWatch plugin provides functionality to monitor dipole moments of molecules or parts thereof via the VMD atom selection syntax. It provides a GUI to manage up to six dipoles and allows to set several aspects of them.

Video 6

Minimization of Energy with Arguslab Software

The “Optimize Geometry” tool of Arguslab software optimizes the atomic structures through molecular mechanics.

Video 8

Running "msi2lmp" on Windows

msi2lmp is a tool bundled with LAMMPS to aide in the conversion of simulation inputs from Materials Studio software for use with LAMMPS. It is a standalone program that generates a LAMMPS data file based on the information in an file (atom coordinates), an DATA.mdf file (molecular topology and atom types) and a force field.frc (force-field parameters) file. The .car and .mdf files are specific to a molecular system while the .frc file is specific to a forcefield (variant). The only coherency needed between .frc and .car/.mdf files are the atom types.

Video 10

Radial Distribution Function (RDF) Calculation with OVITO Software

The “Coordination analysis” modifier of OVITO software computes the radial pair distribution function (radial PDF, or simply RDF) for the particle system. The radial pair distribution function g(r) measures the probability of finding a particle at distance r given that there is a particle at position r=0; it is essentially a histogram of pair-wise particle distances. The pair distribution function is normalized by the average number density of particles (i.e. the total number of particles in the simulation cell divided by its volume).

Video 12

Surface Area/Solid Volume/Porosity of an Atomistic Structure Calculation

OVITO allows you to generate a geometric representation of the outer and inner surfaces of an atomistic solid by constructing a polyhedral surface mesh around the particles. This does not only look nice it can also used to obtain quantitative information about the surface area and the solid volume or porosity of an atomistic structure. Triangulated surface meshes generated by OVITO also appear in the Visual elements editor, which gives you as a user quite some control over their visual appearance.

Video 14

Avogadro Installation on Windows 10

One can follow the steps below to install Avogadro software on windows 10:
Step 1: Locate and download Avogadro software from
Step 2: Locate and double-click the Avogadro.exe file. (It will usually be in your Downloads folder.)
Step 3: An installation menu will appear. Bottom “Next”, “I Agree”, “install”, and “Finish” keys to install the Avogadro software.
Step 4: The software will be installed. One can now open the application from the Start menu.

Video 16

Trajectory Line Analysis with OVITO

The trajectory line analysis produces a set of continuous lines from the time-dependent particle positions. It can be used to visualize the trajectories of motion of particles. OVITO software can produce this atomic parameter for simulated structures. By using “Generate trajectory lines” modification item in OVITO software, one can choose between generating the trajectory lines for every particle in the system or just for a subset of the particles. For the latter, simulation operator first need to insert a particle selection modifier into the data pipeline to define the selection for the trajectory line generation. The trajectory line generating process and visualizing trajectory lines for simulations with a large number of particles and/or a large number of time steps can be prohibitively expensive. Thus, it is typically a good idea to restrict the generation of trajectory lines to a small group of particles of interest.